Study Takes “Seasonal Pulse” of Plant Productivity

Getting a fix on the timing of seasonal plant events like fruiting or leaf senescence could get easier to do, thanks to time-series images captured by PhenoCams—tower-mounted digital cameras operated by scientists participating in the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research...

2021 LTAR Annual Meeting at LMRB

The 2021 Annual LTAR Meeting will take place virtually and will be hosted by the USDA ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory (the Lower Mississippi River Basin LTAR site). Location: Virtually at Oxford, MS Date: August 30th through September 1st...

NSF NEON Workshop Announcement

Complex Landscapes at Scale: Integrating our Understanding of Managed and Unmanaged Lands at Regional to Continental Scales Growing societal pressure for agriculture that is both productive and environmentally responsive creates opportunities to design crop and...

High-Tech Tools To Study Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Features in the landscape, such as urban development, agriculture, wetlands, and forests, can affect the water quality of a watershed. However, determining the role and the extent of each of these land uses is challenging, especially when the watershed is multi-use,...