
LTAR Network Projects

Network-wide projects allow scientists from many disciplines to develop novel scientific insights at regional to national scales, evaluate whether and where these insights are applicable, and then adapt tools to local conditions. Working groups engage with stakeholders, producers, and industry in developing and disseminating these products.

AgPICKS: Agricultural Performance Indicator and Context Knowledge System


Leads: LTAR Indicators Working Group (contact Sheri Spiegal)



To help agricultural scientists, producers, and other stakeholders evaluate how management performs in relation to goals in environmental, socioeconomic, and production domains.


AgPICKS: Agricultural Performance Indicator and Context Knowledge System Page



The USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network consists of 18 Federal and university agricultural research sites with an average of over 50 years of history. The goal of this research network is to ensure sustained crop and livestock production and ecosystem services from agroecosystems, and to forecast and verify the effects of environmental trends, public policies, and emerging technologies.