Scientists from all 19 LTAR sites attended the 2024 Annual Science Meeting (ASM), held from May 21-23 at University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ. Organized by WGEW (Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed), the ASM focused on implementation of the LTAR Strategic Plan’s three research initiatives: adoption of solutions and innovation, core performance indicators for agricultural innovation, and science for climate-smart agriculture. Following each meeting session, breakout groups facilitated discussion about existing efforts and next steps in implementing these initiatives.

LTAR 2024 ASM Theme ArtThe meeting’s agenda was filled with over 30 speakers, including LTAR partners from The Nature Conservancy, Environmental Defense Fund, NRCS, USDA Climate Hubs, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and NEON. Partner integration throughout the ASM allowed LTAR scientists to consider ways of extending their work in collaboration with these partners and their organizations. The meeting also included a visit to the Santa Rita Experimental Range, the oldest continuously maintained experimental range in the western United States. Attendees learned about an ongoing rainfall manipulation experiment, as well as small experimental watersheds and soil influences on erosion.